Wednesday 3 July 2013

Historic Grimsby Beach - who knew!

Not I, that's for sure.

No, this isn't Yellowknife - I'm in Grimsby where my elderly mother's deteriorating health has necessitated a longer visit. The only "north of 60" about it is that it brings home just how far Yellowknife is from many other parts of Canada.

On a walk just down from where mom has been living for five years, I stumbled upon "Historic Grimsby Beach," a former Methodist camp turned seedy cottage settlement turned trendy community. The houses are exquisitely whimsical, inspired by the artistry of one resident and assisted by his superb fret-working skills. Move over, Martha's Vineyard!

Nuff said: pictures! It was foggy this morning, so the colours aren't as bright as they were in the sun yesterday.

Even the back alleys and backs of houses are artistic, as in the shot below:

The last two shots are of the house - the orange one - in which the founding artist lives - quite the character whose woodworking skills are evident on all of these houses, according to two residents who stopped to chat and were more than happy to tell me all about the neighbourhood. I like the red car, too...


  1. Good to hear you are safe and sound back in Canada. I hope your trip to Turkey was memorable.

  2. The Turkey trip was great - fascinating country. Will do a post with a few impressions once I catch my breath.
