Wednesday 26 August 2015

Tudor Men's Outfit - DONE!

Yesterday I put the final touches on the Tudor men's outfit - hose, doublet, codpiece - even a hat. James (the model) won't be donning it until the photo shoot in October, but here are a few pictures of it in the studio:

The alert viewer will have noticed, perhaps, that the hat brim uses up scraps of material left over from the sleeves.  I had only a very small piece of that fabric, a weird kind of velvet, to begin with, but managed to get the sleeves out by not paying attention to the nap (and getting away with that). From the scraps left over I pieced the brim, stitching in some very basic "goldwork" to make it work.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Amazing work, Minnie! I wonder if you'll ever make a cod piece again? ;)
