Friday 1 June 2012

On the road with Rosalie. Ice cream at the Whitecourt Burger Baron.  First stop - Grande Prairie.  Overnight camping at Ann and Duncan's - luxury accommodation with excellent meal of shrimp.  Bit of a scare about the car.  Duncan and Minnie solved the problem - good idea to pay attention to all wheel drive setting!  Makes a big difference :)


  1. Very cool idea, Minnie. Does this mean you have a camera? I like the combination of pictures and commentary.

  2. Brian MacDonald30 June 2012 at 22:24

    Minnie, I surely do admire your version of 'going on the track' and I'm trying very hard not to focus on the wry linkage of having ice cream on your way to the True North (as Alan might call it). Starting on a new adventure - scary but wonderfully exhilarating, eh?

    My deepest admiration, and wishes for no pot holes in your road.
